Let’s explore some potential theories about The Matrix Resurrections
By Erin Lynch
The Matrix Resurrections: Neo and Trinity
Let’s talk about how the hell Neo and Trinity could be back in the more modern interpretation of the Matrix and what exactly could be going on there.
One of the images burned into my mind is Thomas Anderson a.k.a. Neo looking at himself in the mirror and seeing an old man that looks nothing like him. Could this mean that Neo has been in the body of someone completely different since his human form died? This seems unlikely due to another shot we’ll dive into in a moment but what does that mean?
Trinity also died in Matrix Revolutions after taking Neo to 01 a.k.a. the Machine City. How is she back? We get a quick shot of her emerging from a pod, which would likely indicate she’s now taken a red pill and will be outside of the Matrix. In a very quick flash, we also see Neo in the same situation so it’s possible that the machines took their bodies that died, repaired them, and put them into pods, placing their consciousness into the Matrix once again.
The theory of them being repaired is further backed by an incredibly quick shot of a younger version of Neo with his eyes burnt out, covered in machines seemingly working on him. So the versions of Neo and Trinity in the film are very likely the original ones.
UNLESS! Trinity can only exist in the Matrix now that her body has died but her consciousness is uploaded. This theory is further backed up by Neo going to stroke Trinity’s face as that famous green code slides down her cheeks. The trailer editors are also hinting at that being the case with Morpheus saying “The only thing that matters to you is still here,” while a shot of Neo holding Trinity’s hand is on the screen. But after seeing Trinity emerge from the pod, it’s possible it’s not the case.
Regardless of how exactly they’re both back, they still have a very obvious connection. It’s shown that when they shake hands for the first time, they are stunned that they don’t know each other and yet feel as though they have met before. Plus most shots thereafter are showing the two working together and seeking intimacy. Whether they are reincarnated, original or pure consciousness – these lovers have found one another again.