Xbox Live Gold offerings were announced during GamesCon earlier this week, with Microsoft giving subscribers what to expect for September. As always, the offerings are relatively decent but nothing to write home about. But at least it’s still something that’s being offered!
Below are the offerings for September and the dates they’re available to play:
- Warhammer: Chaosbane, September 1 to 30
- Mulaka, September 16 to October 15
- Zone of the Enders HD Collection, September 1 to 15
- Samurai Shodown II, September 16 to 30
Xbox Live Gold September 2021 Highlights
Warhammer: Chaosbane is very similar to the Diablo series, albeit a little more casual, a little more mindless for an action RPG. Choose from four different heroes to play and become the last hope of man. If you just want to kill hoards of enemies and loot until you can’t anymore, this one’s for you. It also helps that the boss battles are entertaining.
Plus it’s Warhammer. You can’t really go wrong giving it a shot.
Next up is Mulaka, probably my favorite game this month. Set in the Sierra Tarahumara region of northern Mexico, you play as the Sukurúame, a spear-wielding warrior shaman who sees the physical and spirit world. The puzzles in this game are reminiscent of Breath of the Wild and the settings and scenery are breathtaking. Definitely download this one and check it out.
Zone of the Enders is a Kojima game, and this month’s offering is actually the first and second game of the series. While the first has its faults and issues, the second is the real reason to give this game a download in September. It’s part third-person shooter and part melee combat, all set in a space epic. And The 2nd Runner offers so many improvements upon the first game, making you really think about how to move in space to your advantage.
Lastly, it’s Samurai Shodown II, which originally released in 1994. It’s a really solid fighting game that just happened to be overshadowed by the other fighting games of its time (Mortal Kombat 2, X-Men: Children of the Atom to name a few). For a game that’s almost 30 years old, it’s surprising how good it still looks and plays. If you just want a good throwback fighting game, give this one a download in September.