The series finale of The Bold Type aired this week evening on Freeform, allowing viewers to bid adieu to the staff at Scarlet magazine and besties Jane Sloan (Katie Stevens), Sutton Brady (Meghann Fahy), and Kat Edison (Aisha Dee) after five seasons.
While the series had a few missteps along the way (looking at you, season 4B), The Bold Type is ultimately a comfort show about the power of friendship and the strength that comes from that power. Its emphasis on themes of feminism and equality was rarely found elsewhere in the television landscape and will be sorely missed going forward. And the soundtrack, which included an array of up-and-coming indie artists, wasn’t half bad, either.
No matter what the overall storylines were, each season was full of dramatic, hilarious, and heartbreaking moments that left us not only empathizing with these characters but rooting for them. Charismatic leads Stevens, Fahy, and Dee, who are clearly close in real life, make you fall in love with their characters over and over again, even when they aren’t making the best choices.
The supporting cast, including Melora Hardin as Scarlet Editor-in-Chief/mentor Jacqueline Carlyle and Sam Page as Scarlet board member-turned-Sutton’s husband, are all top-notch. Later additions to the cast, such as Nikohl Boosheri as proud Muslim lesbian Adena El-Amin and Stephen Conrad Moore as Oliver Grayson, head of Scarlet‘s fashion department, were all important contributors to telling the story of The Bold Type.
From Sutton’s marital problems to Jane’s health crisis and Kat’s sexuality, The Bold Type was never afraid of tackling serious issues. It’s that fearlessness that we’re celebrating by taking a look back at some of the most powerful, and joyful, moments of the entire show.