Teen mystery series Cruel Summer took Freeform by storm when it premiered earlier this year. Following the entwined mysteries of Kate Wallis and Jeanette Turner over three separate timelines in 1993, 1994, and 1995, the show encompasses a huge question about Kate’s kidnapping: Did Jeanette see Kate Wallis in Martin Harris’s house?
The season closely examines the events of Kate and Jeanette’s lives during the summers of three years, all surrounding Kate’s eventual kidnapping and the aftermath of her capture. With everyone coming across as suspicious, the big questions follow who truly knows what in the town.
Cruel Summer season 1 has a clear beginning, middle, and end, following the story of what happened to Kate in Martin Harris’s house, Jeanette’s transformation, and how they have each dealt with Jeanette’s lawsuit and Kate’s claims that Jeanette saw her in the house. But, did she?
The series frames Jeanette as a suspicious character for sure, but there is also an aspect of her that comes across as someone caught in the crossfire. Jeanette had been sneaking into the house where Kate was held captive but did that necessarily mean Jeanette saw her there?
Freeform renewed Cruel Summer for a second season after solid ratings and critical acclaim throughout its run. But, what will that mean for the already existing characters?
While there may be more stories to tell about their lives, the first season captures so many significant details and topics that it may be difficult for a second to beat or live up to its predecessor. Nevertheless, the first season kept the mystery and emotional highs and lows interesting and exciting.
All in all, Cruel Summer answers many of its biggest questions in the season 1 finale, “Hostile Witness,” revealing just one startling and unsettling moment in the final scene. While the first season may not have concluded with a traditional happy ending, it tells the stories of Kate and Jeanette with in-depth dedication. Even their parents and friends receive similar treatment regarding their roles in 1993, 1994, and 1995.
So, what does that mean for season 2? Will it continue to follow the stories of Jeanette and Kate? Or, will Cruel Summer follow in the footsteps of anthology series like American Horror Story or The Sinner, where each season portrays a different storyline?
The first season of Cruel Summer is a solid story, discusses crucial topics, and answers all of its greatest questions. If left alone, Cruel Summer would have been a perfect limited series.