Every single player from The Circle season 2, ranked

THE CIRCLE Season 2 of THE CIRCLE. Cr. Netflix ©2021
THE CIRCLE Season 2 of THE CIRCLE. Cr. Netflix ©2021 /
10 of 12

The Circle season 2 player: Mitchell

Considering how much I personally disliked his brother Ed and mom Tammy last season, it’s amazing how much I enjoyed watching Mitchell. Part of it probably had to do with his clearly very acute allergy to shirts. (I am not made of stone here, people.)

The Easton mother/son duo of Ed and Tammy played as a team toward the end of season 1, but never got particularly close to anyone and were voted out before the final five. (That’s not that weird, most of the late arrivers were taken out by that season’s original Circle fam, but Ed and Tammy – especially Tammy – were just atrocious game players.)

Mitchell, for what it’s worth, isn’t anywhere close to the best player this season and like fellow late arrivals Khat and Lisa just never really built a significant number of relationships with the OG players. But his wide-eyed genuineness is utterly charming, as is his comfort and ease with himself. He’s unashamed to admit he’s a virgin, is a great sport about ridiculous costumes, and just seems like an all-around great dude.

It’s hard not to wonder how far he might have gone had he not come into the game late and tied so firmly to Khat. (Or if he had chosen to keep flirting with Chloe, rather than respect Trevor’s “claim” on her.) What might have been, indeed.