Every single player from The Circle season 2, ranked

THE CIRCLE Season 2 of THE CIRCLE. Cr. Netflix ©2021
THE CIRCLE Season 2 of THE CIRCLE. Cr. Netflix ©2021
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The Circle season 2
THE CIRCLE Season 2 of THE CIRCLE. Cr. Netflix ©2021

The second season of Netflix’s popular reality competition The Circle has certainly been a wild ride. From backstabbing and multiple alliances to increased strategy – for both good and ill – and plenty of new producer-pushed twists, The Circle season 2 has been a very different beast than the series’ first.

This isn’t a bad thing, necessarily, but it is certainly an adjustment – both for viewers watching at home and those playing the game. Though The Circle initially advertised itself as a cutthroat competition in an anonymous atmosphere – and if the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that people are willing to indulge the worst aspects of their natures in an online world – season 1 was surprisingly sweet and wholesome.

Authenticity was the buzz word and genuine friendships appeared to exist between all the players. Blockings were emotional, difficult decisions, and no alliances – that staple of reality television – existed as such. Players voted their favorites without considering whether it necessarily impacted their own games. It was a show with a positive message of acceptance and friendship.

Season 2 is a very different beast. This time around, people are determined to play. There are more catfish than ever before, and contestants voted against those that they consider threats. Alliances formed, gave themselves catchy names, and targeted those their members saw as threats.  Don’t get me wrong, The Circle is still a wildly entertaining show – largely because Netflix’s casting department is so good – but it’s simply a different experience this season, with a group of players with very different approaches to the game.

How do The Circle season 2 players stack up against each other?

With more catfish than ever before, more deliberate manipulation, long-lasting grudges, and lots of straight-up lying alongside charming free spirits and friendly extroverts this group of players is a fascinating mix. But how do they stack up against each other?

Here’s how we’d rate the contestants of The Circle season 2, from worst to first.