Passionflix wish list: An anthology series featuring Harlequin novels

CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 12: Tosca Musk attends Passionflix's "The Will" Los Angeles Premiere on February 12, 2020 in Culver City, California. (Photo by Araya Diaz/Getty Images for PASSIONFLIX)
CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 12: Tosca Musk attends Passionflix's "The Will" Los Angeles Premiere on February 12, 2020 in Culver City, California. (Photo by Araya Diaz/Getty Images for PASSIONFLIX)

For several generations of romance enthusiasts, Harlequin novels were the launching point for their love of the genre. Passionflix CEO and founder Tosca Musk started reading Harlequin novels as a teen and still enjoys them. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see an original Passionflix series that revolves around Harlequin?

Before we dive head-first into the idea, it must be noted that Passionflix has no shortage of projects to work on. Between short movies (known as Quickies), the Driven Series and the books that have been optioned to become feature films, there are plenty of projects to go around, but that doesn’t we can’t imagine the kinds of stories we’d love to see on the streaming service that’s dedicated to turning romance novels into movies.

How might a Harlequin series work on Passionflix?

While the Driven Series covers one book per season, each episode of the Harlequin series could be based on a book. The events of each book would be condensed to fit into an hour-long episode.

One big benefit of bringing Harlequin novels to life as an anthology series is that they are all so varied in terms of topic, from Western to Regency, medical to mystery and intrigue. Each episode would vary greatly, offering fans a wide variety of themes and tropes to choose from.

It would also give Passionflix the ability to have another series with plenty of source material to choose from. (Harlequin publishes dozens of titles across its various imprints each month) Instead of feature films or short and sweet Quickies (short stories told in 15 minutes or less), there could be a series that celebrates a variety of tropes and matchups that would appeal to a large swath of romance readers.

In short, it’s a win-win.

As Passionflix continues to grow, it’s fun to think of how the streaming service could expand to new ongoing and limited series. There are so many wonderful stories out there to choose from, and Harlequin represents a large segment of the romance industry that is often the way fans fall into the genre to begin with.

It makes sense that there should be a series dedicated to these wonderfully diverse stories, and it makes sense that Passionflix is where this as-yet imaginary series calls home.