35 thoughts I had watching Fear The Walking Dead season 6 episode 10, Handle with Care

Lennie James as Morgan Jones, Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Lennie James as Morgan Jones, Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

If you thought that things were going to calm down on Fear The Walking Dead season 6 after June took care of the Virginia problem in last week’s episode, you definitely haven’t been paying attention. This group is fractured, and the bonds between them are stretched to the absolute limit.

Virginia is gone, but she wasn’t the only threat out there. Now the splintered factions must find out as much as they can about the mysterious group who keeps spray painting messages and attacked Tank Town. And in the meantime, each settlement must figure out what they want their future to be and who should be included in that future.

So it won’t be a surprise that “Handle With Care” isn’t exactly a happy episode, even though it’s not as grim as the first two episodes of season 6B have been. Ruben Blades’ Daniel Salazar takes the focus of this episode and it’s great to see some of the people who were in the background in the first half of the season getting a chance to shine.

The synopsis for Fear The Walking Dead season 6 episode 10, “Handle With Care,” says:

"“A threat worse than Virginia is on the horizon. Morgan calls for unity, and invites all survivors to his settlement; tasking Daniel to keep the peace. However, Daniel will need to face his own challenge in hopes of protecting his friends.”"

And now let’s get into it. These are 35 non-spoilery reactions I had watching Fear The Walking Dead season 6 episode 10, “Handle With Care”:

Fear The Walking Dead season 6 episode 10 reactions

1.       I know what this is for. That’s not good. How hard did he get hit?

2.       Love to see this. We don’t get enough of it.

3.       Can we have more of this please?

4.       A conclave. Interesting.

5.       No one trusts anyone anywhere. This is your fault Victor.

6.       LOVE to see Daniel shine. LOVE IT.

7.       Ofelia. Gone way too soon and with a stupid trope death.

8.       Nice to see you again old friend!

9.       You broke it Victor, now you fix it. FIX IT.

10.   Not so smug now eh?

11.   A spy on the inside? Who?


13.   Throwing SHADE. Well-deserved.

14.   I love Daniel Salazar with my WHOLE HEART.

15.   Where are all the others?

16.   That is some ugly mustard. RIP John. Miss you.

17.   Strand gonna Strand, naturally.

18.   This has been a long time coming. Too long.

19.   The ends don’t always justify the means Victor.

20.   Sit down clown. No one asked you.

21.   STOP BICKERING. We hate it when the grownups fight.

22.   D A M N, Daniel.

23.   Tread lightly if you know what’s good for you.

24.   Stunning cinematography. Gorgeous.

25.   Well, well, well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions eh Strand?

26.   Ruben Blades is vastly underutilized. So much talent. Damn.

27.   Oh this doesn’t look good.

28.   What’s going on?

29.   This is extremely distressing.

30.   Cue the tears.

31.   Wow so they’re doing that. That’s kind of amazing but very cool.

32.   I love it when a plan comes together.

33.   OOF. Right in the feels.

34.   Wow. Season 2 throwback.

35.   There may be hope for you after all Victor.

There are a lot of emotional elements in this episode and also some pretty strong signs that the threat that’s looming is far worse than Virginia was and whatever their agenda is it’s not survival.

Tweet along with me on Sunday night @SonyaIryna and tag me in your reactions to Fear The Walking Dead season 6 episode 10 “Handle With Care”.