Fans of Zack Snyder’s Justice League launched a campaign on Twitter this past week to “restore the SnyderVerse” at Warner Bros. so that director Zack Snyder can continue his vision for the Justice League and several spinoffs he’d originally planned. The hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse reached well over a million tweets and Snyder himself told fans that repeat viewings are helping the cause.
All around the world, fans of Zack Snyder’s Justice League organized themselves to use the hashtag in a coordinated effort last week, and at one point the hashtag reached over a half million tweets in just three hours.
WarnerMedia’s Ann Sarnoff said in a recent interview with Variety that there are no plans for more films with Snyder in the future, but given the Snyder Cut’s popularity on HBO Max it’s hard to believe that executives would turn away a big opportunity.
Zack Snyder keeps hope alive for Restore the SnyderVerse
Though Warner Bros. has seemingly closed the door on the possibility of Snyder continuing his work on the franchise, Snyder himself has been supporting fan efforts. Surely if the door was closed completely he’d be the first one to say so, but it looks like he has hope that the situation will change.
In a recent exchange on social media, a fan asked Snyder if there’s any hope or reason for fans to keep fighting to restore the SnyderVerse, and Snyder responded to say “by watching it and getting others to watch,” implying that the number of times it is viewed, and how many times it is viewed for the first time, could impact the future of the SnyderVerse.
It might seem odd to the casual observer for fans to keep pushing for Sndyer to continue his work when WB has already said they were moving in a different direction, but fans know that for years WB denied the existence of the “Snyder Cut” even when cast members like Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot and Ray Fisher all acknowledged that it was real.
The push for the Snyder Cut led to the release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and seeing what the four-hour opus sets up for future movies has fans eager to see Snyder continue his work.
Until Snyder himself says he’s done with the project, fans will continue to push for the restoration of Snyder’s vision for the DCEU. And as the saying goes, it ain’t over til it’s over.