Passionflix CEO and founder Tosca Musk provided Driven fans with an update on season 2 in a recent chat on Instagram Live. While fans already knew that Driven season 2 is coming in 2021 it looks like it might be delayed just a little bit.
Initially, Driven’s second season was targeted for a May 2021 release date. That was according to Musk’s projections earlier in the year. Naturally, working during a pandemic can throw a wrench into the best laid plans and it looks like Fueled will be coming later. As of this writing, however, there is no release date available.
Driven fans have been eagerly awaiting season 2 for some time now. The Passionflix series, based on K. Bromberg’s wildly popular Driven Series, stars Olivia Applegate as Rylee and Michael Roark as Colton Donavan. Roark joins the cast in the second season and from the look of behind the scenes photos it looks like he’s fitting in just fine.
Driven Season 2 will explore Rylee and Colton’s relationship
It’s no wonder fans have been on pins an needles waiting to see Rylee and Colton’s relationship develop. At the end of season 1 he’d pushed her away, afraid to let himself fall for anyone, and she was left trying to understand what went wrong after their relationship started out so well. Sure, most fans have read all of Bromberg’s books so they know what’s coming, but it’s a whole other thing to see it all come to life.
Driven season 2 will follow the events of the second book in Bromberg’s series, Fueled, and later this year the next installment, Crashed, should follow. There’s no timeline on Crashed, but Musk and her team filmed Fueled and Crashed together toward the end of 2020, so it’s a matter of completing post-production.
Though the pandemic disrupted the production schedule in 2020, Passionflix is back at work in 2021. Work is underway on several projects, including filming Gabriel’s Rapture and looking ahead to finally starting work on Jodi Ellen Malpas’ This Man series. It’s possible that work will begin on other projects, depending on how the schedule works out. Passionflix has a long list of optioned books that are in the queue to be filmed and it’s all a matter of time before they come to life.
Fans can expect to see the first installment of Gabriel’s Rapture, Fueled (and likely Crashed), Wicked and at least a few Quickies in 2021, with the possibility of more. Everything is dependent on being able to work through the pandemic, but the good news is that Passionistas will have a lot of new content coming soon.