DC Comics has revealed that they are planning a special DC Pride anthology series for June that will focus on LGBTQ+ characters and creators.
Among the characters the series aims to highlight are Batwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and, making her official comic book debut, Dreamer. While there is an existing character in the DC universe called Dreamer, who is a member of the futuristic Legion of Superheroes, this will be the version featured in The CW’s Supergirl and played by actress Nicole Maines, who will also be writing the character’s first appearance in the comics.
Supergirl made television history by introducing the first transgender superhero, Nia Nal a.k.a. Dreamer, who is also played by a trans actress, in season 4. Since joining the series, the character has become a fan favorite among Arrowverse viewers, with many clamoring for this version of Dreamer to become an official character in DC Comics. Maines has been a vocal supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, so it is only fitting that she be the one to introduce her version of Dreamer into the DC universe.
The cover for DC Pride, including Maines’ version of Dreamer, is shown below.

DC Pride will be an 80-page special issue that will be published in June in conjunction with Pride Month. Other LGBTQ+ characters featured in the issue include Midnight, Flash (Jess Chambers), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Obsidian, Aqualad (Jackson Hyde), Renee Montoya, and Pied Piper. Additionally, several ongoing series that center around both LGBTQ+ and straight characters, like Nightwing and Wonder Girl, will have Pride variant covers available, celebrating the month-long event.
Creative teams behind the event include comic industry greats, such as Jen Bartel, Kevin Wada, Sina Grace, Stephen Byrne, Travis G. Moore, Kris Anka, Sophie Campbell, and Luciano Vecchio. DC Pride will also pay homage to its DCTV counterparts, by featuring full-page profiles of the LGBTQ+ characters from the shows, along with the actors who play them.
Are you excited to finally see Maines’ version of Dreamer join DC Comics? Let us know in the comments section below.