Passionflix CEO and founder Tosca Musk has been on the ground in Italy preparing to start work on Gabriel’s Rapture, the second book in Sylvain Reynard’s Gabriel Series. Like Gabriel’s Inferno, Gabriel’s Rapture will be made into a series of movies at Passionflix and the cast and crew are eager to resume work.
With safety measures in place and everything lining up properly, filming will begin on schedule on Tuesday, March 9. If not for the pandemic, filming would have been nearing completion on Gabriel’s Redemption, the third book in the Gabriel Series.
Thankfully, Musk was able to film Rapture’s Toronto scenes in 2020, before the pandemic shut down production. Now her team is circling back to work on the Italy scenes and scenes on location in Boston so that they can move on to post-production. Musk works with an incredibly efficient filming schedule, which helps because filming in the time of COVID-19 takes longer than it normally would.
If all goes well, fans could see the first installment of Gabriel’s Rapture in late 2021.
Gabriel’s Rapture starts production in Florence, Italy
Giulio Berruti was already in Italy so he didn’t need to quarantine, but his costar Melanie Zanetti needed to wait two weeks before she was cleared to leave her hotel. She posted videos on social media of the scenery around her hotel and once she was able to leave she posted images from her time exploring the city.
Musk also had fun doing some sightseeing around the city during her scouting trip . She expressed how incredible it was to take in the sights with very few tourists about.
She shared photos on social media of eating ice cream on the Ponte Santa Trinita (with the Ponte Vecchio and Palazzo Vecchio behind her) and her tour of the Vatican with Berruti as her tour guide.
For Sylvain Reynard fans, Gabriel’s Rapture is a very important book in the Gabriel Series and Passionflix is committed to capturing every detail with great care. Seeing the cast tracing Gabriel and Julia’s steps as they prepare to start filming is like a dream come true and it also means the countdown to Gabriel’s Rapture Part I is officially underway.