Brooke Baldwin is ready to step into a new role when she leaves CNN in March to start the newest chapter of her life. Baldwin, who joined CNN in 2008, has been a calm presence in the midst of some of the nation’s highest and lowest moments and her departure will leave an intriguing vacancy for the network.
The announcement came during Baldwin’s segment on February 16. She indicated that her new book, Huddle: How Women Unlock their Collective Power, will be released in April. “The next chapter of my life will be focused on what I love the most about my work, amplifying the lives of extraordinary Americans, and putting my passion for storytelling to good use.”
Baldwin said during her announcement that she doesn’t have specific plans in mind after she leaves, but she is ready to see what happens.
“No, I don’t have a job I am jumping right into, and yes, yes I am feeling very vulnerable. But what is it Brené Brown says? Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change, and I am so excited about what is to come.”
Losing Baldwin will be a big blow to CNN’s daily lineup, and it opens up the possibility of someone new coming in to take her place.
Where does Brooke Baldwin’s departure leave CNN?
CNN has taken great pride in creating a diverse team of anchors over the years. While much of the network’s regular programming focuses on politics, Baldwin’s segments focused on a variety of topics and made for a much-watch news destination for people interested in getting a rundown on the day’s news topics.
With her departure a vacancy will be open in the coveted 3pm news hour, and all eyes will be on the network to see who fills the spot. Ideally, another woman will take her place because the afternoon and evening segments of CNN’s daily programming already features Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo.
Losing Baldwin is unfortunate because she has always been such a driving force in delivering the news, but it sounds like she’s embarking on an incredible adventure and there’s no doubt that she will do great things.