Nancy Drew keeps the paranormal grounded in relationships

Nancy Drew -- "The Fate of the Buried Treasure" -- Image Number: NCD204a_046r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Kennedy McMann as Nancy and Maddison Jaizani as Bess -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Nancy Drew -- "The Fate of the Buried Treasure" -- Image Number: NCD204a_046r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Kennedy McMann as Nancy and Maddison Jaizani as Bess -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

There is something to be said about a series that can combine the paranormal with the mundane. And with Nancy Drew, its strong point is being able to take paranormal stories, mysteries, and the relationships among these characters and making them blend seamlessly.

While there are some stories that struggle to find footing when it comes to paranormal storylines, over the course of the first season and the newest episodes of season 2, Nancy Drew has made an art form out of crafting a well-balanced story. And in episode 204, “The Fate of the Buried Treasure”, it was the relationships that really brought the story life.

Instead of focusing solely on the curse that the Drew Crew is fighting to survive, this episode gave us a better look at relationships. From the strained relationship between Carson Drew and Ryan Hudson to the love story that is building between George and Ned, this episode was truly a look at more than just a mystery or a curse, it was a chance to really connect with our characters.

Carson is still struggling with the fact that his secrets have caused a rift between himself and his daughter, and at the same time whether or not he and Ryan were friends, there was a sense of respect between the two men that has clearly been shattered. Whether you blame Carson Drew for what he did to protect Nancy or not, you almost want to see this situation resolved just so everyone is on a better path in their lives.

Relationships are the driving force in Nancy Drew Season 2

Then we have Ryan Hudson who is struggling in his own right. After all, he has a daughter he never knew about before, and it is someone that he once had issues with. We all know that Ryan has made mistakes and with a family like his (which is not great), those mistakes just seem to multiply. So seeing him work to connect with not just Nancy, but also Carson was actually quite brilliant. It finally made him seem more human and flawed than ever before.

And speaking of Nancy Drew, can we just point out again how much she needs a wake-up call. It was so refreshing to hear Ned point out to her that she didn’t really care about him. After all, if she had cared, maybe she would have known more about who he was and what he liked and could do with his life.

Nancy is such a flawed character that at times it is hard to like her (and yet we do!). She just continues to be a crappy friend to the people she dragged into her mistakes. And it would be nice if she would get her head out of her behind and figure out that these people care about her, even with how little she seems to care about them.

George is another character who often seems flawed and less than likable. But when you really dive into who she is as a character, her flaws make sense. From an early age, she has had to be an adult and make hard decisions. Not only does she support her family, but she is trying to run a business with what seems to be very little help from the people who are supposed to be there to work for her.

Seeing George sit down with her sister and just speak from the heart was so moving. It proved that there is so much more to George than we often get to see.

Nancy Drew is telling a brilliant ghost story, but the show is doing so much more than that, as it continues to develop these characters into well-rounded, flawed individuals with their own issues and fears. Now if only Nancy herself would show some growth as a person, then maybe we would be able to figure out how to end this curse before one of her friends ends up dead.

What did you think of “The Fate of the Buried Treasure”? Were you engaged in the relationship aspect of the story or something else? Tell us what you thought in the comments.