You fight like family with your friends and that’s how you know they’re your best friends and that’s what happened with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley!
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley weren’t always there for each other, they had their friends. Most famously, there was a huge fight during Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that led to the two of them not talking and it drives home one important fact: Best friends more often than not fight like they’re family.
Ron was Harry’s first real friend and was someone he knew he could trust. The two were there for each other that first Christmas at Hogwarts but they also acted like teenage boys around each other and would fight over and over again.
All of that, when you look at it, makes their relationship stronger because they were all the other had. Sure, they had Hermione and they had other friends at school to hang around with but that’s not your best friend. It’s different and for Harry and Ron, they have higher stakes that make their relationship strong.
Each of them have a different relationship to each other. Hermione and Ron are very different from the friendship that Harry and Hermione has and so on and so forth but that friendship between Ron and Harry is extremely important. They’re there for each other, they’re ready to do whatever is necessary to protect the other, and they’re willing to sacrifice everything to make sure their friend is safe from the evil of the world that they’re fighting and it’s beautiful to see on page and screen.