Why we should be cautious about this new Harry Potter series for HBO Max


There could be a new Harry Potter series heading to HBO Max but it’s important to remember why many fans of the series are separating themselves from the franchise.

As fans of the Harry Potter series, hearing that there is a new series potentially happening can be exciting. And while it seems as if this series is going to be lead by someone other than J.K. Rowling, one thing is important to remember: She still benefits from anything and everything Harry Potter adjacent.

The news broke today that HBO Max was looking into expanding the world and while that would have been exciting before, now it is overshadowed by Rowling and her transphobic tweets and blogpost online.

So, does that mean fans can’t be excited? Yes and no. Right now, she’s going to make money from anything that comes out and is in the Harry Potter universe because she still owns the rights. George Lucas doesn’t benefit from anything Star Wars related because he sold the rights to Disney and honestly, if Warner Bros. wants to get some fans back, that might be the right step.

Many are refusing to consume any media that benefits Rowling and frankly, I’m in the same boat. She has shown an unwillingness to listen or try to understand why her tweets and post were harmful and only cares about this idea that she’s being “canceled” by “cancel culture” so giving her series attention only lets her continue to have a platform and that’s not right.

This series is something I probably would have loved a few years ago but right now, it is still too connected to Rowling and Warner Bros. needs to work on separating the series from her as much as possible.

Next. A Harry Potter HBO Max Series is in Early Development!. dark

Remember to be kind to one another.