The CW’s Walker reboot has finally arrived, but it has a few flaws

Walker -- “Pilot” -- Image Number: WLK101b_0052r -- Pictured (L-R): Jared Padalecki as Cordell Walker and Mitch Pileggi as Bonham Walker -- Photo: Rebecca Brenneman/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Walker -- “Pilot” -- Image Number: WLK101b_0052r -- Pictured (L-R): Jared Padalecki as Cordell Walker and Mitch Pileggi as Bonham Walker -- Photo: Rebecca Brenneman/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The CW’s Walker premiere brings back the Texas Ranger, but it’s too soon to rejoice.

The first episode of Walker has premiered on The CW, and we’re looking back at the original series to see how it lived up to its predecessor.

I grew up with the original Walker, Texas Ranger. Chuck Norris was iconic in the role, and while the original series was perhaps a bit more conservative in nature, it was also filled with action and a lot of a character. So heading into the reboot with Jared Padalecki, there was a lot for the series to live up to.

It’s early still, and we absolutely need to give the new series a chance before we either condemn or even really celebrate it. At this point, we don’t really know these characters yet and what they stand for.

Season 1 of Walker has arrived but with flaws

With the first episode in the bag, we have an idea of what we will see moving forward in season one. Not only are we going to watch as Cordell Walker tries to find a way to rebuild his family after a devastating loss, but he is also going to be doing that with a new partner who has her own things to prove to the world. And while that is all exciting and will definitely bring me back for more, this first episode was flawed in a few ways.

Unlike the original series, we don’t really know who Walker is. His personality is actually kind of lacking, which is not great. And I am not sure if that is because this is a pilot, and we are still feeling our way through how to make the show work, or if it is something else.

The other issue was the weird disconnect between the characters and their storylines. There was something missing throughout the episode so it was hard to connect with not only the different characters we were meeting, but also the story itself. Unlike the original series, it was hard to get invested in the story and what was happening.

Obviously, nostalgia plays a big part in appreciating the original series versus the reboot, but at the same time, it just felt lacking. I want to love this series. I want to love seeing Jared Padalecki as a Texas Ranger.

I am hopeful that as the show continues we will see the characters growing and connecting. It would be nice if we got more personality out of our leading man. And honestly, I have faith that the show will get better, but at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the series lost viewers right away.

What did you think of the Pilot episode of Walker? Did you enjoy the show and the characters? Tell us what you thought in the comments.