Instead of a miniseries, Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be released as a movie
In a surprising twist, Zack Snyder seemed to confirm through Vero that his vision of the Justice League movie, which has been coined by fans as as the Snyder Cut or officially known as Zack Snyder’s Justice League, will be released as a single movie. The original plan was for it to be released in segments, but it looks like the plan may have changed.
Between all of the originally filmed content, content that was thrown out and content that was filmed during reshoots, the new version of the Justice League was always going to be much longer than a standard film. Dividing it into four parts for a limited series or miniseries made sense. However, the movie was never meant to be a series or any kind, and it looks like Snyder himself has made the call to release it as one gigantic 4-hour movie.
Snyder hopes that it will be safe enough to release in theaters, too, so that people living in places where HBO Max isn’t available will have a chance to watch it.
Zack Snyder has seemingly confirmed on Vero that his #JusticeLeague will NOT be a 4-part series & will instead be released as a single 4-hour film, making it the longest modern comic book film, topping Snyder’s own #Watchmen Ultimate Cut (3hrs, 35min)#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) January 17, 2021
The news came through social media after Snyder made a comment about it on Vero. According to Fandango’s managing editor Erik Davis, if Zack Snyder’s Justice League is indeed released as one movie it will become the longest running superhero movie ever at over 4-hours in length. This surpasses Snyder’s Watchmen Ultimate Cut, which comes in at just over three and a half hours.
Naturally, social media came alive with the news. For fans of Snyder’s work, four hours is a blink of an eye. These fans have waited a very long time for his vision for what the movie was supposed to be, so the notion of sitting through a four hour movie isn’t an issue. Detractors don’t believe it’s worth sitting that long for a single movie, and there are already cries of “no one will watch it” coming from all points.
People will watch it, though. I’m going to watch it. The Snyder Cut became the stuff of legends after its mere existence was denied so vehemently, only to have the sudden revelation that it was real and coming to HBO Max.
Whether it’s a series or a movie doesn’t matter. What matters is that Zack Snyder’s movie finally gets to come to life the way he envisioned it.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is coming to HBO Max in March.