11 exciting SFF book releases to kick off your New Year right this January

A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer. Image courtesy Bloomsbury Publishing
A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer. Image courtesy Bloomsbury Publishing
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Blood, Metal, Bone – Lindsay Cummings

A dark. gripping new fantasy from bestselling author Lindsay Cummings, Blood, Metal, Bone is being promoted as perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sarah J. Maas and…The Mandalorian? (Heck yes to that combo, I say.)

The story follows Sonara, who has been wrongly accused of her brother’s murder and sentenced to death. Except…she doesn’t die. Instead, she is cursed with a second life as a Shadowblood, a magical, demon-like being that is cast out and hunted by the society she once lived in.

Now known as the Devil of the Deadlands, Sonara survives as a thief on the edge of society, attempting to find out what really happened to her brother. (And who was responsible)

The official synopsis describes the story as follows.

"Wrongly accused of her brother’s murder, Sonara’s destiny was to die, sentenced to execution by her own mother. Punished and left for dead, the shadows have cursed her with a second life as a Shadowblood, cast out and hunted by society for her demon-like powers. Now known as the Devil of the Deadlands, Sonara survives as a thief on the edge of society, fighting for survival on a quest to uncover what really happened to her brother and whether he is even dead at all…"

Blood, Metal, Bone is available on January 7.