The Harry Potter fanbase went through a lot of growth this year, for better or for worse, and so let’s talk about how we’ve changed as fans of the franchise and why it’s about time.
2020 hasn’t been great for anyone and really hasn’t been that great for the fans of the Harry Potter series. We learned this year that supporting J.K. Rowling as no longer an option and were thrown into a world of unknown.
Should we continue to talk about the series, express our once unconditional love that this series held for us? It’s complicated. We shouldn’t exactly throw our love behind something that has a creator who doesn’t care about others in the way she should. But it also doesn’t dismiss the love we all once held for the wizarding world and yet we can’t just blindly love the Harry Potter series.
But 2020 did a great job of showing us that holding creatives accountable is a good thing. The series meant a lot to us as children and no one is taking that love away. That being said, we do need to hold Rowling and creatives accountable when they use their platforms for harm. This world is dark enough without people targetting groups of people and sharing hatred towards them.
So while 2020 has been rough for fans of this series, it also brought us closer because we were there for the trans community, ready to fight and protect for them, and willing to write off J.K. Rowling in the process because of what she used her platform to do. We stand with the trans community and the fans that were harmed by Rowling’s words and that’s a change for the better.