Jumping to 1984, Wonder Woman 1984 finds Diana in Washington, D.C. and living a double life, working as a department head at the Smithsonian Institution by day and fighting crime by night. We also see that she has seemingly cut herself off from the rest of the world, no doubt as a result of the tragic loss of Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) in the original film, as well as the subsequent deaths of the few human friends she has outlived along the way (a snapshot of Diana and an elderly Etta Candy can be seen on her desk).
It was actually confirmed in Wonder Woman 1984‘s junior novelization that Etta had passed away, though she and Diana remained close throughout her life. They even moved to America together following the events of the first film.
However, Diana misses the love of her life so, when given the opportunity, she inadvertently makes a wish to see her lover again while holding the infamous Dreamstone, and Steve miraculously returns to inhabit the body of a stranger (its a long story).
While it’s nice to see Chris Pine back in the role of Diana’s main squeeze, it’s also a little awkward for everyone else to see a different face. Half of the movie is spent trying to figure out why and how Steve is back, while the rest is spent trying to decide whether or not he should stick around. It works with the plot and doesn’t mess around with the story’s continuity, despite concerns about that following the film’s trailer.