It’s time to spotlight another trans organization for Harry Potter fans to donate to and this month’s is the New York Transgender Advocacy Group! They’re amazing!
Every month, we here at Wizards and Whatnot want to highlight a trans organization to donate to for fans of the Harry Potter series. It’s our duty to be there for those in the trans community and make sure that they know they have our full love and support.
This month, we’re focusing on a great group based in New York! The New York Transgender Advocacy Group is an organization that helps the trans community in New York and leads the charge in the fight for LGBTQI fight in NY. This month, they’re our pick for our spotlight!
Each month, we pick a trans organization to spotlight because it is the least we can do as fans of the Harry Potter series. Right now, we have a platform provided because J.K. rowling gave us the series. Since she has used her platform to spread hatred and harm to the trans community, we are going to use ours to let those in the trans community know that we have their back and will support them in whatever ways they need.
It’s the least we can do as fans of this series and giving whatever you can to the New York Transgender Advocacy Group (and even sharing their name so others know about them) helps because it raises awareness.
We as fans of the Harry Potter series need to step up and help and if you can, please donate! If not, reach out to those in the trans community and let them know they have your love and support because we’re all a family.