21 upcoming YA book releases we can’t wait to read in 2021

Red Tigress by Amelie Wen Zhao. Image courtesy Penguin Random House
Red Tigress by Amelie Wen Zhao. Image courtesy Penguin Random House /
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Blessed Monsters Emily A. Duncan
Blessed Monsters by Emily A. Duncan. Image courtesy St. Martin’s Press /

Blessed Monsters – Emily A. Duncan

Blessed Monsters is the highly anticipated conclusion to Emily A. Duncan’s “Something Dark and Holy” trilogy, a violent, and uber dark tale of gods, blood magic, death, and more.

The end of Ruthless Gods left our three main characters – the cleric Nadya, the prince Serefin and the no longer quite human but not entirely divine Malachiasz – in desperate straits indeed, as their relationships with one another deteriorate and they wrestle with questions of fate, destiny, and free will. How this story will ever manage to conclude with all the characters we care about whole, let alone happy, is anyone’s guess. But it will surely be an incredible final ride.

The synopsis for Blessed Monsters gives us almost nothing to go on, which is both exciting and vaguely anxiety-inducing.

"The girl, the monster, the prince, the queen. They broke the world. And some things can never be undone. In Emily A. Duncan’s Blessed Monsters, they must unite once more to fight the dark chaos they’ve unleashed—but is it already too late?"

Blessed Monsters is available on April 6.