Albus Dumbledore is a beloved figure in the Harry Potter series. But sometimes, he doesn’t do the right thing so let’s explore how Dumbledore treats people from time to time.
Albus Dumbledore was a character that many fans looked up to. We all saw him as an important figure in Harry Potter’s life and we loved him but then, as we saw him grow in the series, it was clear that Dumbledore wasn’t the man we had originally thought him to be.
It isn’t that he’s a bad character or that he doesn’t care about the children around him. It’s that he doesn’t fully think about everything going on and the problem with it all. So thinking about the series as a whole, Dumbledore did, quite often, make mistakes against people because he just didn’t think about the problem with his actions.
Dumbledore saw the endgame of what needed to get done and then didn’t really care about how or who he hurt along the way to get there because he thought about the greater good. Voldemort needed defeated and if that meant he put a child in front of him to get there, it was just Harry’s destiny even if Harry shouldn’t have been the one to have that kind of responsibility against him.
But Dumbledore didn’t think about him as just another student and that should have been a red flag for many of us but we loved the idea of Dumbledore and what he represented and didn’t think too much about it.
So should we idolize Dumbledore? Probably not but he was someone we excused because we cared about the character enough to push those thoughts aside.