Xbox Live Gold members have access to four new games in December, and if you’re a new Xbox Series X owner, you’ll have even more games to play!
Xbox Live Gold offerings have been shaky as of late, but it feels like it’s only been in anticipation of the Series X release on November 10. While December’s offerings aren’t suddenly amazing, they’re a step above, at the very least.
Below are the offerings for December, the systems they’re on, and the dates they’re available to download:
- The Raven Remastered, December 1-31 on Xbox X and One
- Bleed 2, December 16 – January 15 on Xbox X and One
- Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, December 1-15 on Xbox 360, X, and One
- Stacking, December 16-31 on Xbox 360, X, and One
Watch the official announcement trailer from Microsoft below:
These are definitely better than last month, and give Series X owners some new games to play, so let’s jump right in.
The Raven Remastered is first up this month, which is a point-and-click mystery game. It has a very simple premise: an ancient ruby is stolen from the British Museum with nothing but a raven feather left at the scene. The mystery slowly unravels as you play and will manage to keep you entertained, albeit nothing too far-fetched.
Bleed 2 is up next as an arcade action side-scroller game. If you love air-dodging, reflecting bullets, and a ton of bosses, this one is perfect for you. The main issue is the length of the game, as it’s surprisingly short and not necessarily a game you want to play multiple times. You can play again for additional characters, weapons, modes, but it’s not anything necessary.
Next is the best offering of the month, Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, the sequel to Saints Row IV. Honestly, any Saints Row game is worth your time. Gat out of Hell is just sheer ridiculousness in the form of an open-world action adventure game. Again, it’s not a long main story, but there are so many side quests and missions that you’ll be entertained for a while.
Last, we have Stacking. I’m always a sucker for anything Double Fine puts out, and a puzzle game with stacking Russian dolls sounds just like them. If you need a fun puzzle game, check this one out this month for sure.
Don’t forget you still have the chance to download one of November’s offerings (Swimsanity!) through December 15.