The sadness that comes with the death of Lily and James Potter

Photo: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.. Image Courtesy Jam City
Photo: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.. Image Courtesy Jam City /

Today is the anniversary of James Potter and Lily Evans Potter’s deaths and it is important to remember why it is always going to be a sad look back on the Harry Potter series.

The Harry Potter series is sad for a multitude of reasons but watching as Harry Potter grew up without Lily and James Potter is truly heartbreaking. Especially since the Potters very clearly loved their son so let’s talk about why their death hurt so badly on the anniversary of it.

Harry Potter was just a baby, excited to be with his mother when Voldemort came into their home and killed both his father and mother before attempting to kill him. But despite winning a fight against the Dark Lord as just a baby, it led to Harry not having the best life.

Which is maybe why their death is so sad. Yes, it’s sad because these parents didn’t get to see their child grow up but it also led to Harry’s extremely traumatic childhood. James Potter loved his family and had started to make his life better but instead of being able to focus on that and grow his family with Lily, he died protecting her and Harry before Lily would die doing the same.

It’s just really sad to look back on, especially when you get into the Marauders and their relationships as friends. James and Lily trusted their friend who betrayed them and then they lost a life with their son and it’s heartbreaking to look back on as fans of the series.

Next. It would be nice to break the Harry Potter series away from J.K. Rowling. dark

Remember Lily and James Potter on this day and let us know how you think the Harry Potter series would have been different if they had survived!