Here are some more trans organizations that you should be donating to as a Harry Potter fan


Fans of the Harry Potter series should be making regular donations to trans organizations (if they can) and sharing resources for other fans so here is our spotlight for this month!

When it comes to being a fan of the Harry Potter series, there is now an additional duty we must all provide: We must all protect and help out our fellow fans from the trans community and show them our support.

So each month, I try and focus an article on an organization that fans can donate to that helps the trans community and gives resources to those who need it.

This month, we’re focusing our efforts on the Sylvia Rivera Law Project. Focusing its efforts on directly helping low-income transgender people and transgender people of color, the project gives a direct resource to survival & self-determination, immigration status, and New York City jails and New York State Prisons.

The project is doing wonderful work for helping low-income members of the trans community find the legal guidance they need. You can learn more about the Sylvia Rivera Law Project here at their website.

If you can donate to these organizations, please do. If not, maybe do your part in sharing resources and information for other fans to see so that they can educate themselves on how to help the trans community and we can all work together to show those fans who were hurt and targeted by Rowling words that we are here for them and ready to support them in whatever ways they need. We all need to be there for each other.

dark. Next. Harry Melling continues to have a wonderful career outside of Potter with The Queen’s Gambit!

Remember to be kind to one another and support and love those around us. If you can donate to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, please do!