Supergirl season 6: Predicting how each major character’s story will end

Supergirl -- "The Wrath of Rama Khan" -- Image Number: SPG508a_0424r.jpg -- Pictured: Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Supergirl -- "The Wrath of Rama Khan" -- Image Number: SPG508a_0424r.jpg -- Pictured: Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /
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How will Nia Nal’s story end in Supergirl season 6?

Supergirl broke ground in season 4 by casting trans actress and activist Nicole Maines as television’s first transgender superhero. A former speechwriter for the DC-bound Cat Grant, Nia relocated to National City to learn about reporting from Kara at CatCo, but pretty soon realized she has superpowers of her own. Kara takes her under her wing, not only as a reporter but as a superhero. Nia’s storylines were handled extremely well in season 4, as we got to see what her backstory was and how her romantic relationship with Brainy progressed.

Unfortunately, Nia seemed to be one of the many main characters to take a back seat for most of season 5, particularly after her split with Brainy. However, in Supergirl‘s 100th episode, we did get an alternate timeline glimpse of a powered-up Dreamer, who had stronger abilities than what we’ve seen in our own Dreamer. We also got to see more of her relationship with her trans roommate, Yvette (Roxy Wood).

In season 6, we would like to see Nia come into her own, both as a reporter and as a superhero. If Kara departs their Earth, it would be nice to see her step up as National City’s official hero. A reconciliation with Brainy and more screen time for her roommate would also be extremely welcomed (we’d love to see Nia come out to Yvette as Dreamer). Finally, as no one is really ever gone from the Arrowverse, we wouldn’t be at all surprised, or upset, if Dreamer happens to find her way to Legends of Tomorrow. As her story still has a lot left to be told, she would be a great addition to the Waverider.