References to Hogwarts and the Harry Potter series in other bits of pop culture


Ever watch something and hear a joke to the Harry Potter series? Why is it that so many other properties like making jokes about the franchise and which is your favorite?

Whether it is Leslie Knope talking about the Chamber of Secrets or Lucifer comparing his “angel school” to Hogwarts, there are constant references to the Harry Potter series in our pop culture. Almost more than Star Wars or Star Trek and that’s saying something. So, why does the series have so many references all a sudden?

I think it might be because of the rise in popularity. With Star Wars and Star Trek, they’ve been around for decades. But the Harry Potter series is newer and is something that many fans are still experiencing for the first time. So there are quite a few references to it so that fans can have that moment of laughter at the reference back to something they know.

It’s also an easy way to make a joke. Think about it. When you’re not paying attention and something suddenly mentions Hogwarts or Gryffindor, you pay attention to what’s going on then, right? So they’ll get your attention, make you laugh by mentioning the series, and then carry on.

It’s also fun. When you’re writing, referencing back to the series everyone talks about can bring up fun comparisons and let the audience in on the secret in a new and exciting way. So, all these references are just a great way for us, as fans, to engage with other properties and just have a bit of fun thinking back to the series.

Next. How Sirius Black and Remus Lupin became fan favorites. dark

What was your favorite time you heard a reference to the Harry Potter series in something? Let us know your favorite in the comments below!