Adapting stories around a specific character and the future of the Harry Potter series


When things enter into the public domain or someone takes the time to adapt a story in a new and exciting way, it can bring new fans to it and maybe that’s what Harry Potter needs.

We often adapt series to center around a new character or aspect and it typically is a fan or someone new who gets to do this so why can’t this happen, eventually, with the Harry Potter series? It’s simple really. Give it some time, let it rest, and then let a fan take it on.

The world has seen it before. With things like Enola Holmes and Ratched coming our way, it’s clearer now more than ever that there is a place for revisiting work through a new lens. And with the Harry Potter series, there are so many characters we can follow and look to that it’d be interesting to see who people wanted to focus on.

But when can something like this happen? Probably not any time soon, unfortunately. With Rowling still so heavily involved in the series, we can’t really expect that she’ll leave it any time soon, despite for many of us wanting that to happen.

In the future though, it can lead to fans getting to take the story in their own way and away from the creator. It’s like looking at anything that Bret Easton Ellis created and seeing how those who adapted it did a much better job with his works than he did. So, who knows what is to happen in the future with the Potter series but maybe this can be a path it takes.

Next. Giving the Harry Potter series to fans to take over. dark

What do you think the future of the Harry Potter series will look like? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!