Following the series finale of Agents of SHIELD, speculation about a Quake-centered spin-off has led one super fan to create their own trailer for the proposed show.
Although the Agents of SHIELD series finale aired just last week, that hasn’t stopped fans from clamoring for more of their favorite characters, including Chloe Bennet’s Quake. With no official word from Marvel Studios about any potential spin-offs, a fan-made Agents of SHIELD trailer has surfaced, giving us a glimpse of what a Quake spin-off could look like.
YouTuber Mariavc combined different footage from both Agents of SHIELD and the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe in order to portray Bennet’s Quake as a member of SWORD, serving under Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson).
You can view the fan-made trailer in its entirety below:
Hardcore fans who have seen the series finale knows that it’s not entirely out of the question for many of the characters from the long-running Marvel television show to reappear in the MCU at some point. Most of the characters experienced an open-ended story arc at the conclusion of the series finale, including Quake, who teamed up with Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) and her sister, Kora (Dianne Doan) for an undisclosed mission into the far reaches of space. Marvel fans have speculated that this indicates that Quake has indeed joined/formed SWORD, which is essentially the intergalactic version of SHIELD.
At this point, it just seems like a bad business decision to not do a spin-off of Agents of SHIELD. The show had a loyal and active fanbase that kept it going for seven years, becoming the longest-running live-action Marvel series to date. Quake had the most character development over the course of the show, going from lone hacktivist to a super-powered agent, and she was just starting to come into her own during the last couple of seasons. Bennet, who is remarkable in the role, has stated she “definitely would” return as Quake, should the opportunity arise.
If this trailer is any indication of what that spin-off could look like, it would be a huge and valuable addition to Disney+’s Marvel television landscape.
Do you want to see a Quake-centered spin-off of Agents of SHIELD? Let us know in the comments section below.