The absolutely unnecessary drama that Harry Potter brings to most situations


While Harry Potter is the hero of his series, he is also one of the most dramatic characters ever created. And it’s almost nearly always his own doing and for no reason.

Harry Potter is the kind of character who seems like he’d be too serious for most situations but, in fact, it’s the opposite. Harry is easily one of the most dramatic characters ever created. A teenage boy for most of the time we know him, he’s just sassy. And not the kind of sassy that is a one off and then he’s back to being a serious hero.

No, he constantly sasses people to the point where it does get him trouble from time to time. Well, not just “trouble” but he gets hurt or people don’t want to be nice to him. But it’s also why so many fans love him as a character. He’s not perfect, he doesn’t try to be perfect, and he is a dramatic boy who just wants to be moody and sassy to people from time to time.

But, more often than not, his dramatics are…probably not the best for the situation at hand but it’s what Harry does. It’s probably why his friends stick with him through so much or why everyone does want to help him.

He’s funny, he’s quick-witted, and he’s the first one to have some quip because he’s mad about it having to be his duty to stop Lord Voldemort.

So, to Harry Potter, you dramatic boy. It’s fine that you rather make a snide comment sometimes and honestly? It’s kind of great whenever you do get that mad about stuff.

Next. We have some logistic questions about Professor Quirrell and Voldemort. dark

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