When you stop and look at Voldemort and look at the Harry Potter world as a whole, it’s dangerous but then it also fits in with 2020 and our world in a lot of ways.
Voldemort was someone who called to people and they listened to his racist decrees and wanted to join him. As children, we watched it and were floored by those who flocked to Voldemort and never thought it was something that we’d see in real-time.
Now, looking at 2020, it feels almost nearly as bad as the Harry Potter series because you constantly see people turning to the ways of racist, fascist leaders. Voldemort could easily be anyone right now with a cult-like following and it’s scary because yes, Potter fans do tend to connect back to the series frequently because it is what we grew up knowing. But still, we come from a place of fear.
So looking back at the series as a whole, why were so many willing to follow Voldemort into whatever battle he threw them in? Because they were selfish and thought of a racist, selfish, cruel world that Voldemort would build to help them and their cause. It’s the same mentality we see throughout the world and throughout history.
There will always be people who live for the fear and want to drag everyone else down in order to feel safe and like they are important and that’s why figures like Voldemort have followers and people who rally behind them and that’s why it is so scary when we see things like this in our real life.