Staying True to the Comics
The Umbrella Academy is a live-action series based on the comic books created by My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba. While the first season is loosely based on the first major storyline of the series (stopping Ellen Page’s Vanya), the second is modeled after a storyline simply called Dallas. In Dallas, the team is stuck in the past and works together to stop the end of the world (again), and to save President Kennedy from his assassination attempt.
Season two pretty much follows that same story, with a couple of changes that we’ll address later. When it comes to comic book shows, the best live-action projects are ones that stick as closely to the original source material as possible. This is pleasing to the fans of the comics, but also allows some modifications to the story in order to appeal to a mainstream audience.
Way and Ba did a great job with the comic book series, which enabled showrunner Steve Blackman to lay amazing groundwork for the series. Season two also gives us a look at the live-action characters in costumes that are based on their comic book counterparts.