PlayStation Plus members can expect another solid month of offerings from their Plus membership in August. Let’s check out what’s available!
Sony has been bringing the excellent games to PlayStation Plus members. Last month’s games were top tier (and celebrating 10 years of the program!). This month may not be as top notch, but the lineup is still quite excellent.
Here are your two free games for the month of August:
- Fall Guys
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Watch the official announcement trailer from Sony here:
Compared to the Xbox Live Gold offerings for August, these are home runs.
First up, let’s start with Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. This game actually comes to the PlayStation 4 and Steam on August 4, so Plus members have free access to it on release day, which is a cool bonus. It’s only priced at $20, so it’s not going to break the bank.
This looks to be an adorable battle royale game, something that feels like a breath of fresh air after the Apex Legends and Fortnite games.
You can design your “fall guy” before the start of every “show,” and more variety gets unlocked the more you play. There are different events to play, from being the first to make it to the end of the course, playing soccer, or hoarding eggs and you have the choice of single player playing or with a team.
Overall it’s a fun game, full of mayhem and chaos and perfect to waste some hours on.

Your other option is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which is our second COD game in the last few months (WWII was in June). This is the remastered version of the 2009 original. The game itself has aged pretty well. The blockbuster-looking pieces are still entertaining and the campaign is familiar.
The only downside is that the gameplay feels a lot more generic now, 11 years after its original launch. But if you’re a Call of Duty fan, it won’t bother you that much.
August’s offerings for PlayStation Plus should have members more than happy to keep their subscription going. What do you think of them?