Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 10 review: Inhuman roulette

MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. -"Stolen" Ð After EnochÕs sacrifice propelled them out of the time storm, the team arrives back in 1983 where Nathanial and Kora are hard at work building an army of hand-selected anarchist Inhumans at Afterlife. When the agents split up to cover more ground, Daisy is tasked with protecting Jiaying and is compelled to confront her mother for the first time since her death; while the others quickly learn theyÕll need to face yet another supercharged former enemy in order to stop Malick on "MarvelÕs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 (10:00Ð11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. - (ABC/Jessica Brooks)THOMAS E. SULLIVAN
MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. -"Stolen" Ð After EnochÕs sacrifice propelled them out of the time storm, the team arrives back in 1983 where Nathanial and Kora are hard at work building an army of hand-selected anarchist Inhumans at Afterlife. When the agents split up to cover more ground, Daisy is tasked with protecting Jiaying and is compelled to confront her mother for the first time since her death; while the others quickly learn theyÕll need to face yet another supercharged former enemy in order to stop Malick on "MarvelÕs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 (10:00Ð11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. - (ABC/Jessica Brooks)THOMAS E. SULLIVAN

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD pulls out all the Inhumans stops this week, with Malick having perfected how to transfer powers into normal humans

Dear Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, will we see Fitz in this week’s episode? Probably not? Let’s get to it!

Nathaniel Malick is recruiting John Garrett. I was wondering how we’d bring him back into the picture! Malick brings him to Afterlife and introduces him to Sibyl and the process of transferring Inhuman powers to normal humans.

Roxy actually made it into SHIELD! She’s been holding down the fort at the Lighthouse, ready to meet up with the rest of the team at the Triskelion (which exists ahead of schedule). What’s the plan of attack? They bring in Gordon and Jiaying and send Coulson and Gordon in to do some recon.

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. -“Stolen” Ð After EnochÕs sacrifice propelled them out of the time storm, the team arrives back in 1983 where Nathanial and Kora are hard at work building an army of hand-selected anarchist Inhumans at Afterlife. When the agents split up to cover more ground, Daisy is tasked with protecting Jiaying and is compelled to confront her mother for the first time since her death; while the others quickly learn theyÕll need to face yet another supercharged former enemy in order to stop Malick on “MarvelÕs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 (10:00Ð11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. – (ABC/Jessica Brooks)FIN ARGUS, CLARK GREGG, HENRY SIMMONS
MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. -“Stolen” Ð After EnochÕs sacrifice propelled them out of the time storm, the team arrives back in 1983 where Nathanial and Kora are hard at work building an army of hand-selected anarchist Inhumans at Afterlife. When the agents split up to cover more ground, Daisy is tasked with protecting Jiaying and is compelled to confront her mother for the first time since her death; while the others quickly learn theyÕll need to face yet another supercharged former enemy in order to stop Malick on “MarvelÕs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 (10:00Ð11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. – (ABC/Jessica Brooks)FIN ARGUS, CLARK GREGG, HENRY SIMMONS

Too bad Jiaying shows up and drops the bomb about Daisy’s sister before May and Elena can warn her. Cora killing herself in the original timeline led Jiaying to leave Afterlife and do charity work, meet Calvin Zabo, have Daisy…

Gordon and Coulson are discovered immediately because Malick has the time stream. Of course Garrett is going to get Gordon’s teleporting powers. This is going to go poorly. They come into the Lighthouse.

Sousa gives Daisy some insight on talking to her mom. The time streams are screwed anyway, so what’s one conversation? It’s a very heartfelt scene, one that Agents of SHIELD is always stellar at. Telling Jiaying that they’re from the future fills in some blanks for Jiaying. Chloe Bennet steals the show.

Of course Malick ruins it by blowing Daisy’s cover and starting on a tangent about their future and everything Jiaying will put Daisy through. There’s a head-to-head with Daisy and Malick, but the shocking moment is when Malick snaps Jiaying’s neck and kills her.

They were after Simmons! The twists keep coming! They steal her and the Zephyr (with Deke onboard).

agents of shield
MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. -“Stolen” Ð After EnochÕs sacrifice propelled them out of the time storm, the team arrives back in 1983 where Nathanial and Kora are hard at work building an army of hand-selected anarchist Inhumans at Afterlife. When the agents split up to cover more ground, Daisy is tasked with protecting Jiaying and is compelled to confront her mother for the first time since her death; while the others quickly learn theyÕll need to face yet another supercharged former enemy in order to stop Malick on “MarvelÕs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 (10:00Ð11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. – (ABC/Jessica Brooks)HENRY SIMMONS

Post-Credits Stinger

Malick tells Simmons the one thing that stands in their way of succeeding in every single timeline: Fitz.

Badass Moment of the Week

May kicking the crap out of Garrett was very satisfying. He was a fun villain of season one, that’s for sure.

Best One-Liner

“Clever. Digging up our greatest hits,” Coulson says as he meets young Garrett. Touché, Coulson.

Kudos to Agents of SHIELD for using Bill Paxton’s real-life son to portray young John Garrett. And a double kudos to the Guardians of the Galaxy Easter egg of Deke listening to an awesome mix on a tape player with orange headphones.

Simmons also has her breakdown moment. Daisy asks what she remembers before wiping her memories, recalling how she was inconsolable. Simmons breaks down to Deke, wondering if Fitz isn’t dead and the time jumps were pre-programmed. Well, based on that post-credits stinger, we should be seeing him very soon.

Next week’s Agents of SHIELD looks like the team might fall for Cora wanting to become part of SHIELD. Or maybe she actually means it. We’ll have to find out.