8 romance books to kick back with at the tail end of July

Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha. Image Courtesy TOR Books
Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha. Image Courtesy TOR Books /
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Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha

Deal with the Devil is the first book in writing duo Kit Rocha‘s Mercenary Librarians series.

45 years ago, the U.S. power grid went down and all hell broke loose. Now the best anyone can do is survive. Though, as always, some have it better than others. If you’re living on the margins then you’re scraping by and you’ll do anything to keep making it day by day.

Nina wants to bring hope where there isn’t any. She’s an information broker and Atlanta could use what she and her team of mercenary librarians have. Between raiding vaults and collecting sensitive information, she’s made some bank. This ain’t a world where giving back is easy, but she wants to help how she can.

Knox needs Nina but not in the way Nina sees her and her team as being needed. No, Knox needs her to get back a hacker. See, as the leader of the Silver Devils–an elite strike squad of super soldiers–it’s Knox’s job to make sure they’re all safe. And they need a biochem hacker to stabilize the very implants that give them their abilities. Too bad said hacker got kidnapped, and Nina is the price for their release.

The Silver Devils chose to walk away from their duty instead of being responsible for the deaths of innocent people but Knox knows what it means to survive. You don’t grow bitter and battle worn without making hard decisions and sacrificing pieces of your soul.

It’s not personal but if Nina’s the only thing standing between Knox and saving the Devils then Knox is going to do what needs to be done. First step? Baiting Nina with a lost server from the Library of Congress.

Deal with the Devil will be available July 28 in print, audio, and e-book format.

Next. 11 must-read SFF book releases. dark

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