Robert Downey Jr. promises heroic Wyoming boy a birthday gift that trumps Cap’s shield

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War..Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)..Photo Credit: Film Frame..© Marvel 2016
Marvel's Captain America: Civil War..Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)..Photo Credit: Film Frame..© Marvel 2016

Following Chris Evans’ message to a heroic six year old who saved his sister from a dog, Robert Downey Jr. sent the boy a message of his own — with a promise to trump Evans’ gift.

The story of Bridger Walker, a six-year-old Wyoming boy who had to get 90 stitches after he saved his little sister from being attacked by a dog, has received a lot of attention as of late — partly because the kid deserves all the praise, and partly because Marvel star Chris Evans took it upon himself to send this real-life superhero a special gift: his very own Captain America shield.

And apparently it’s not just Evans’ attention Bridger has grabbed with his heroic actions. It seems the competitive nature between Evans and co-star Robert Downey Jr. exists as much off-screen as it does on, since RDJ reached out to Bridger to promise him another gift, one that would arrive for his next birthday. The twist? Apparently, it’s going to be even better than a Captain America shield.

“Bridger, you’re a rock star,” RDJ told Walker in his message. “My name’s Robert Downey Jr. I play ‘Tony. That makes me an old friend of Cap’s. I heard he sent a shield your way. I’m going to do one better. You call me on your next birthday; I got something special for you. Late. By the way, that’s a promise; a promise beats a shield.”

Watch RDJ’s message to Bridger in its entirety here:

If Evans and RDJ won’t be gracing our screens as superheroes again, at least fans can rest knowing they’re doing superhero work IRL — with much the same personalities as they had in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whether RDJ’s gift will actually top Evans remains to be seen … but at least we can all agree that Bridger deserves all the gifts and well wishes.

Any guesses about what RDJ could send Bridger that would top a Captain America shield? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!