Harry Potter fanfic writers continue to bring magic to the series

Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc /

Many of us have turned away from the Harry Potter series and for good reason but still, fanfic writers are bringing magic and helping raise money for the LGBT+ community.

The Harry Potter series has been going through a lot of upheavals and it is, sadly, up to fans to remember to love and support our friends in the trans community harmed by the words of J.K. Rowling. So, now there is going to be a Tumblr celebration of trans content and non-cis characters in the series called HP Transfest.

The fest is focused on celebrating those characters who are not cis that already exist in the Harry Potter extended universe and the site is filled with works celebrating genderqueer, intersex, trans, and nonbinary characters within the series.

Looking at these characters and work from members of the LGTB+ community, many realized that they could take back the narrative of the series by creating fanfiction celebrating the community that Rowling is targetting.

Stephanie Owen, a pansexual writer, talked with iNews about the series and why fans are turning to creating their own narratives about the Harry Potter series because of Rowling and her dangerous words.

"The HP [f]andom has this dark cloud over it because its creator, its life bringer, can’t even begin to comprehend the damage she does to those who already feel damaged or not good enough. […] Harry Potter as a fandom has become bigger than JK Rowling. So we continue to create magic, and bring new ideas."

Honestly? I’m glad. Things like HP Transfest need to continue to happen if we, as fans of the Potter franchise, want to see a change, especially in the studios or publications who continue to make Rowling’s work.

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Are you still reading Harry Potter fanfiction? Let us know what some of your favorites are in the comments below!