Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD amps things up even more, with the Chronicoms always seeming to be six steps ahead of SHIELD. Can our team stop them in time?
How does our Marvel Agents of SHIELD team fare in the 1970s?
Well, Daniel Sousa is already trying to figure out the time streams and alternate timelines and realities, but it’s all too much. He also is not a fan of the decade. He, Coulson, Daisy, and May head out to get Enoch.
Except he hasn’t been there for over a year. However, we do get reunited with Wilfred Malick, who was supposed to die three years earlier. And the issue is actually much more significant than that—because Project Insight happens in the 2010s. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
That’s a big problem.
Daisy encounters young Gideon Malick, who politely hits on her while she tries to keep her cool. Thankfully Sousa saves her and they try to figure out just how many threads have changed. Malick is still alive—as is his son, Nathaniel, who should also be dead.
She and Sousa break into Freddie’s current HQ and find a list of targets for Project Insight. Which includes Bruce Banner. Unfortunately, Freddie recognizes Coulson and brings in the Chronicoms. In a standoff, they use Nathaniel to get out.
And get rescued by Enoch! But it’s too little too late, because the Chronicoms change the rules and jump early, taking us to 1976, the Bicentennial. Launch Day.
SHIELD’s plan? Plant some explosives to blow the dam, flood the base, and cancel the whole thing. Meanwhile, Deke and Elena head to take on Wilfred Malick and remove him from the timeline. While Malick is blustering, Deke shoots him, about forty years too late.
Things go poorly immediately. Daisy and Sousa get taken by Nathaniel, hindering Coulson and May. They attempt to persuade Rick Stoner, but May punches him in the face and they take off with his credentials.
It gets worse. Mack’s parents are stuck in the base. They can’t blow everything up because it will kill Mack’s parents. And Mack won’t exist.
Instead, they shoot Project Insight out of the sky, giving up their position.
Post-Credits Stinger
Nathaniel is calling on Daniel Whitehall. Oh good, he’s interested in transferring enhanced powers. This will go over well.
Badass Moment of the Week
Honestly, it’s gonna go to Sousa for being incredibly impressed with the photo capacity of an iPhone. Or mostly the fact that he manages to roll with everything this week and not puke or give up completely.
Best One-Liner
”Bruce Banner… he’s just a kid now—In a few decades, he becomes an Avenger,” Daisy explains, looking at the list of targets.
”Is that…a good thing or a bad thing?” Sousa asks.
Fitz is finally mentioned! We’ve heard nothing! And he’s not even in the opening credits! What is that in the back of Simmons’ neck?! Theories to come soon, I’m sure.
She confides in Enoch that she feels like she’s slipping and he’s going to take her away to fix her before they get rudely interrupted by Sousa.
Okay, this Agents of SHIELD opening was my favorite so far. Pitch perfect 70s TV show opening.
Patrick Warburton is an absolute treasure as Rick Stoner. And really makes me miss riding on Soarin’.
Next week’s Agents of SHIELD looks like the stakes are even higher. Will everyone turn out to be a Chronicom in the end?