Numerous corporations have come out recently in support of Black Lives Matter, but few have made as powerful a statement against racism as Ben & Jerry’s.
There’s no denying that Ben & Jerry’s offers some of the most delicious ice cream there is (Cherry Garcia, anyone?), but that’s not the only reason to love the company. In fact, this brand has proven time and time again that it stands on the right side of history — and its statement against white supremacy is just further proof that we have no choice but to back this company.
Following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, protests have sprung up around the nation, calling for an end to police brutality and white supremacy. Alongside these protests, numerous corporations have released statements denouncing racism — but most of them slog through the same phrases without promising much in the way of change, either at their own companies or in the world at large.
Ben & Jerry’s, on the other hand, published a statement that stands out from the crowd. The ice cream company took to its website to post a lengthy piece about Floyd’s death, what caused it, and what can be done to help — all under the banner “We must dismantle white supremacy.” The company also posted that “Silence is NOT an option,” urging everyone to speak out against injustice.
Ben & Jerry’s didn’t mince words, either, when describing the systemic structures in place that caused Floyd’s death, and the deaths of many others, some of whom were listed in the post:
"“The murder of George Floyd was the result of inhumane police brutality that is perpetuated by a culture of white supremacy. What happened to George Floyd was not the result of a bad apple; it was the predictable consequence of a racist and prejudiced system and culture that has treated Black bodies as the enemy from the beginning. What happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis is the fruit borne of toxic seeds planted on the shores of our country in Jamestown in 1619, when the first enslaved men and women arrived on this continent. Floyd is the latest in a long list of names that stretches back to that time and that shore. Some of those names we know — Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Emmett Till, Martin Luther King, Jr.— most we don’t.”"
It’s refreshing to see a company taking such a powerful stand without concerning itself with backlash — but, of course, this isn’t the first time Ben & Jerry’s has proven it cares about more than just selling ice cream. The company has a history of speaking out about political issues, even naming some of its flavors after its stances. Its most recent political flavor is its Pecan Resist — and if you haven’t picked that up, now’s the perfect time to grab a pint so you can chow down after a long day of doing just that.
To learn how you can help support the Black Lives Matter movement, visit the organization’s website.