Daniel Radcliffe’s comfort movie? The teen comedy Get Over It. We have to stan

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 15: Daniel Radcliffe of TBS’s Miracle Workers attends the WarnerMedia Upfront 2019 arrivals on the red carpet at The Theater at Madison Square Garden on May 15, 2019 in New York City. 602140 (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for WarnerMedia)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 15: Daniel Radcliffe of TBS’s Miracle Workers attends the WarnerMedia Upfront 2019 arrivals on the red carpet at The Theater at Madison Square Garden on May 15, 2019 in New York City. 602140 (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for WarnerMedia) /

Wish you knew what Daniel Radcliffe liked to watch as his comfort movie? Well the Harry Potter star talked with Josh Horowitz about the movie Get Over It and it’s interesting!

Most of us have a comfort movie and we probably wonder what our favorite celebrity likes to watch what they’re down. Now, Daniel Radcliffe talked with Josh Horowitz about his favorite movie to watch to calm himself and it’s a bit surprising!

When talking about comfort movies, Daniel Radcliffe decided to go with the classic teen comedy starring Ben Foster, Kirsten Dunst, and Sisqo.

On the Happy, Sad, Confused podcast they shared about the comfort movie and honestly, it’s incredibly telling that Get Over It is Radcliffe’s go to. Everyone has that movie that just makes them feel better, no matter what the movie actually is. A comfort movie doesn’t have to be the best thing you’ve ever seen.

That’s not really the point. The point of comfort movies is just have something you can turn to and watch for joy and excitement and so if Daniel Radcliffe’s movie of choice is Get Over It, it just shows how he wants to forget.

Some people want to cry, some want to laugh, and clearly Radcliffe picking the teen comedy shows that he likes to just laugh whenever he wants to be comforted. It’s fun to see Daniel Radcliffe doing all these interviews and talking around not only because we get to see more of him but because it means he’s constantly working.

We’re proud of Daniel Radcliffe and his career!

dark. Next. Grimes is selling a piece of her soul and did she learn nothing from Voldemort?

Have you watched the movie Get Over It? Do you like it too? Let us know what your comfort movies are in the comments below!