8. Season 5, Episode 7: “Tina Tailor Soldier Spy”
Great sitcoms mix up characters and put them in new situations. This formula is what makes “Tina Tailor Soldier Spy” work so well as we see Louise enter Tina territory.
“Tina Tailor Soldier Spy” finds Tina, a longtime dedicated Thunder Girl (the Bob’s Burgers version of a Girl Scout), having hung up her sash due to internal conflicts with her troop. (She’s too much of a literal stick in the mud for them.)
But just as soon as she retires, her old troop leader pulls her back in to help find the troop’s mole, who is leaking cookie-sales information. For anyone who’s been anywhere near a Girl Scout cookie booth, it’s pretty believable that cookie sales would be taken so seriously.
At the first whiff of adventure, Louise jumps onboard, despite never having any prior interest in the Thunder Girls. Of course, she and Tina have differing ideas about how to catch the mole. Tina wants to pursue the mole through good old detective work, while Louise ends up infiltrating the competing troop. The climax is one for the record books.