Whenever things got hard for Harry Potter, it always helped that he could turn to his friends

Photo: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.. Image Courtesy Jam City
Photo: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.. Image Courtesy Jam City /

Harry Potter could always count on his friends whenever things got tough to be there for him and be there to help him take one whatever foes were around him to defeat.

Friends helped Harry Potter get through so much of his life and when he needed them they were there. And while the series, overall, has important messaging and things we should remember, this is probably the most important lesson that it taught us.

Times are rough and will be rough again but when things are hard to handle, turning to your friends is often the only thing you really can do and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s something that Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger taught us.

They might have gone through rough patches, as friends do, but when Harry needed them, they were there for him and continue to do so even after they all get out of Hogwarts. Friendship is extremely important because it is something that is going to constantly be there for us whenever other things aren’t.

So yes, Harry Potter had people supporting him and he was a strong and powerful wizard but most importantly, he had friends who would be there and put their life on the line to make sure that the evils of the world did not win out.

That’s what we should remember when we think about the Harry Potter series. We should remember that our friends are there for us and will continue to do so.

Next. Do we need Harry Potter the most in these darker times?. dark

Right now, it’s important to remember these messages from the Harry Potter franchise. Be there for your friends, let your friends be there for you, and look out for one another. Let us know what you think in the comments below.