With the Skywalker Saga at an end, we’re posing the question: Where does each film rank on a scale from worst to best?
This past December, the release of The Rise of Skywalker marked an ending for Star Wars fans. The film brought the Skywalker Saga, which started all the way back in 1977 with A New Hope, to a close. And although we can expect to see plenty of films and series set in the same galaxy released in the future, none will feature the set of characters and storylines we grew to love over the nine-movie saga.
Of course, every film in the Skywalker Saga was not created equal. While the original Star Wars trilogy holds a special place in many fans’ hearts, the prequels are often remembered as some of the most highly criticized installments in the franchise. And the recent set of movies has stirred up its own controversies, particularly surrounding The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.
Obviously, every fan’s opinion of the nine Star Wars movies will differ. But with the Skywalker Saga over and done with, the question does remain: Where does each installment fall on a ranking scale?
Here’s every movie from the Skywalker Saga, ranked from the worst to the best.