How would Harry Potter and his friends cope when Thanos snapped his fingers?

Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc /

Thinking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe colliding with the Harry Potter series isn’t a new idea but let’s take a look at how the Harry Potter characters would deal with the Snap.

Harry Potter is a character who knows a battle well. So when the battle in Wakanda between Thanos and the Avengers happens, what do you think Harry Potter would do? Look, we know that these are two separate properties who would never crossover but let’s just talk about it for our own sake as well as Tom Holland’s.

While the wizarding world is still hidden in this modern era, there has to be a point when superheroes flying around makes it so that wizards and witches appear right? Especially when Dr. Strange starts making his circles and calling himself a sorcerer. Anyway, when Thanos snapped, what do we think happened with the wizarding world?

Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if there was a spell to protect them. Maybe they all are safe because their wizards or maybe Harry Potter watched people fade away and suddenly thought that that had happened when he fought against Voldemort and was confused for a little while.

Truth is, who really knows where in our pop culture world the Harry Potter series sits. It could sit with the Avengers which means there would absolutely be characters we loved snapped away or it could be completely different. If Daniel Radcliffe gets his dream at becoming Wolverine, we’d be that much closer to the combo happening but alas, we shall never know.

Next. What if Harry Potter and Hermione Granger ended up together instead?. dark

Do you think that Harry Potter would think this is Voldemort 2.0 or do you think that he’d try and find some way to help? Or are those days behind Harry Potter? Let us know what you think in the comments below!