5 reasons Ash Parsons’ Girls Save the World in This One is the fun escapist story readers need right now

Girls Save the World In This One by Ash Parsons. Image Courtesy Penguin Random House
Girls Save the World In This One by Ash Parsons. Image Courtesy Penguin Random House /

Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons puts a fun twist on the typical convention novel — questioning what would happen if the zombie apocalypse started at Comic-Con.

With the state of the world right now, apocalyptic novels aren’t exactly the kind of escape many readers are searching for. The zombie apocalypse, however, is fairly different from what’s going on in the world today — and the notion of it starting at Comic-Con presents all kinds of escapist fun for readers to fall into.

This is the clever premise of Ash Parsons’ Girls Save the World in This One, which sees three high school seniors attending ZombieCon!, the fan convention for their favorite television series. For the book’s main character, June, this event is going to be one of the best moments of her senior year — and perhaps her life, given how unsure of the future she is. Unfortunately, when an actual zombie apocalypse begins in the midst of the convention, it quickly turns into one of the most dangerous days of her life instead.

June and her friends are forced to team up with strangers, the cast members of their favorite TV show, and their ex-best friend in order to survive the ordeal — and finding a way out of the convention center proves more difficult than they expected once they realize they’ve been locked in from the outside.

The unique plot alone is enough reason to pick up Parsons’ latest novel, which balances a serious survival story with a fun convention romp impressively. But if zombies running around a convention center isn’t enough to pique your interest, here are five reasons Girls Save the World in This One is exactly the book you need during these trying times.

It’s Got the Convention Vibes We’re All Missing This Year

With just about every pop-culture convention canceled for the next few months, fans will need to find that Comic-Con rush elsewhere. And the beginning of Girls Save the World in This One will make readers feel like they’re attending their favorite pop culture convention. It may not totally make up for the loss of attending these events IRL, but it’s a fun alternative and allows us to imagine we’re seeing creative cosplay, walking the show floor, and nerding out at panels.

(Of course, once the zombies arrive, most fans won’t be fantasizing about being at ZombieCon! much longer.)

It’s a Nod to Fandom

ZombieCon! is based on a zombie television series much like The Walking Deadand the fictional fans of this show are about as dedicated as IRL fans. Hearing about how much zombie television shows and movies have impacted the characters in Parsons’ book will be familiar to anyone who has ever been part of a fandom.

Even as this novel explores deeper topics, like survival, it remains an ode to fandom, celebrating the ways in which our favorite stories impact us.

Female Friendships Take Center Stage

While there’s some romance to be found within the pages of Girls Save the World in This One, the book’s central focus is on the friendships between its female characters — and we love to see women supporting one another! There’s no shortage of that in this novel, and it’s so refreshing to immerse yourself in a story where the main group of teenage girls is constantly praising one another and acknowledging the importance of their bonds — even when they’re temporarily peeved at each other.

June, Imani, and Siggy all bring a powerful presence to this story — and even Blair, who starts the novel on poor terms with the rest of the group after kissing June’s ex-boyfriend, proves to be more than just a typical YA trope. All of these girls push the envelope when it comes to stories about teenage girls, and writers should strive to achieve what Parsons has when it comes to their friendships.

It’s Full of Suspense

The first hundred pages or so of Parsons’ new novel mostly consist of setup (although, to be fair, it’s convention-themed setup that most pop-culture fans will enjoy). But once the zombies arrive, the book becomes fast-paced and action-packed, bringing enough suspense to convince readers to devour the rest of the story in just a sitting or two.

The stakes are high for June and her friends, and readers will want to know what happens next. There are so many questions to be answered — from who survives to how this zombie outbreak happened in the first place — and it’s hard to put the book down until all the answers are on the table.

It’s Just Plain Fun

Although there are a few darker moments in Girls Save the World in This One, the overall story is just so much fun to fall into. The premise is so absurdly hard to imagine, but once readers have gotten to know the characters and immersed themselves in the setting, they’ll find themselves fully engaged in this story regardless. The book walks a fine balance between taking itself too seriously and not taking itself seriously enough, remaining light and fun while also acknowledging the stakes for the main characters — and that you can’t have a zombie apocalypse without some sacrifices.

This book will make you laugh, it’ll make you cry, and, most importantly, it’ll take you out of your own brain for a few hours.

Next. Plan a reading escape with these late April romance releases. dark

Girls Save the World in This One is currently available in print, e-book, and audiobook formats.