It’s okay to just love the Harry Potter books but not the movie versions of them
If you do not like the movies for the Harry Potter series, that’s okay! Sometimes, we need to look back on the films and see why some fans do not love them as much as other fans.
For many of us, the Harry Potter series is divided between fans of the books and fans of the film. For some, there is a gray area where we operate but that is a very small group of people. And guess what? That’s okay!
Let’s look at the movies for a moment. For many fans, they look at the movies as just the series with a bit less information. Meaning that the films tend to leave out some important characters and storylines all because they needed to save on time. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s just not really what we want out of book to film adaptation.
When we read the books as kids, many of us just expect the movies to follow them perfectly. The problem is that you can’t logically do that with a movie. Sure, if the Harry Potter series had been a television show, that’s a different story.
So when it comes to fans loving the books more than the movies, that’s okay. We’re allowed to be a little disappointed in what didn’t end up happening. Fan of S.P.E.W.? Then you’re probably not happy it was cut. Love Winky? Same thing, we’re all just allowed to have our different opinions about this series.
Maybe someday we’ll get a TV show but until then, we’ll just have to talk about the books vs. the movies.