Hospitals are using the magic of Harry Potter to bring a bit of joy in these dark times

Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc /

These are dark times, Harry. And so hospitals are using references to the Harry Potter series to help brighten up those who are staying there to get treatments.

Some hospitals are using the light of the Harry Potter series to make this situation currently a little bit better. Right now, so many are thrust into uncertain circumstances and turning back to the series that brought them such happiness when they were younger might be enough to just change the moral of many.

Think about it, whenever we’re lonely or upset, we turn to the Harry Potter series, do we not? It’s a comfort to us because it’s something we look fondly back on and when things are a bit up in the air, it can help ground us.

The hospitals in question have begun to set the handover rooms under the houses of Hogwarts. So, obviously, you have to get sorted into your respective houses right?

Things like this just remind us of the power that the Harry Potter series still has. That joy we felt reading it can be brought back into our lives in the most unlikely of times. When we’re down on our luck, we can think about how Hogwarts is always there to welcome us home and find that joy yet again.

So sure, this is just a little moment of light in all this darkness but that little light reminds us of the power that this series will always have over us. We love learning about Harry and his friends and even in the midst of all this heartache.

Next. Why David Thewlis as Aries in Wonder Woman was such a shock for Harry Potter fans. dark

Are you happy that the Harry Potter series is bringing joy to those suffering right now? Is this a good thing? Let us know what you think in the comments below!