Was Albus Dumbledore really a good guy who had Harry’s best interests at heart?

Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc /

Albus Dumbledore was headmaster and someone that people often looked up to but did he always have Harry Potter’s best interest at heart when he was dealing with everything?

When it comes to characters in the Harry Potter series that fans love no matter what, Albus Dumbledore is pretty high up on the list. Mainly because they see Dumbledore as the one who was looking out for Harry Potter throughout all of this.

But in reality, he might not have been the best person for the job. When it came to Harry Potter dealing with Voldemort, he was often thrown into harm’s way with absolutely no guidance. Even when Dumbledore was there, he was bringing a child into danger and for what? So that he could stop Voldemort with him?

When you really stop to think about the Harry Potter series, it’s important to note that, throughout almost all of it, Harry Potter is just a kid. He was eleven when we went to Hogwarts and is still trying to figure out what he is meant to do and Dumbledore didn’t really help him other than use him to take on Voldemort.

It’s strange to think about Dumbledore and how we love him even though when you look at his actions, he didn’t really have the best intentions for Harry. He might be interesting to us because of how he reacted to it all but it is still something we should talk about more. Dumbledore didn’t really care about Harry Potter that much and it most definitely showed.

Next. Honestly, just thinking about Sirius Black and how he was hurt. dark

Do you think that Dumbledore cared about Harry? Or was Albus Dumbledore just trying to take down Voldemort no matter the cost? Let us know what you think in the comments below!